netty client performance/scalability: Multi-threaded write to one channel vs. multiple channels

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I'm running into an issue I noticed with scalability when writing multi-threaded to one or multiple channels in netty 4.0.28. I could not find anything on SO about this topic. I found only "Hey, multithreading improves throughput" questions but mine is somehow the opposite of that.

In general, writing to one channel is faster than writing to multiple channels, and I do not have any idea, why this is, especially when waiting the write to complete.

The results I get are (writeAndFlush median, with warming and multiple test runs):

  • single connection: 6.6M ops/sec without wait and about 60K ops/sec with await
  • 4 connections: 5.1M ops/sec without wait and about 47K ops/sec with await
  • I observed a performance increase when using Oio, performance decrease when using Nio

My setup:

  • Nio Sockets with shared NioEventLoopGroup
  • Between 2 and 4 writing threads (Event Loop group threads = 2 * writing threads)
  • write small messages and flush after write
  • For the test: No read and connections are not closed

My expectation:

  • Writing on multiple connections is faster than writing on a single connection (not necessarily linear, but should be still better than on one connection)


Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();;; 
b.handler(new ChannelInitializer<NioSocketChannel>() {
    public void initChannel(NioSocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
        ch.pipeline().addLast(new StringEncoder());

// Start the client.
ChannelFuture f = b.connect(socketAddress).await();
channel =;


// non-blocking
channel.writeAndFlush(message, channel.voidPromise());


// blocking

The full code is available at


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