I am having a problem finding out an id of a sublist. I am using SuiteScript 1.0. For instance, I need to list the components of an assembly item record, how do I find out the list id and the "type and field name to use in the nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue or nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue methods. What I am looking for is how now and in the future when presented with a sublist, do I go about finding the ids of the objects needed. I have internal ids turned on but that does not help in the sublist view. What is the best way to get this information when I need it? thanks for any help you may give.
NetSuite sublist
2.5k views Asked by jk121960 At
There are 3 answers

I have found the most useful method for figuring out internalids is to run nlapiLoadRecord(..)
in your Browser Console and examine the resulting object. Another trick is the add &xml=T
to the end of the URL of the record, which displays the record in XML format. NetSuite also documents most of the internalids in the Records Browser.

In this case you use console in Google Chrome. Open the Specific Assembly Item Record page and Press F12 and select console.After give following code
nlapiLoadRecord('assemblyitem', 90088(id for specific record));
after show result in console. Select linefields and Item. Now it show the fields of sublist. If You have any doubt let me know.
You can use nlapiGetAllLineItems() to get an array of all the sublists. You may need to load the record first and do record.getAllLineItems()