netflix feign client - RequestMethod.POST submits empty json object to service

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When i send a POST request using netflix client , the json properties are blank when it hits the service consumer.

Below is my interface

@FeignClient(name = "NLPService",  configuration = FooConfiguration.class )
public interface NLPServiceConsumer  extends TempInterface {    

public interface TempInterface {

    String greeting();

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST,value="/nlp",
    NLPResponse identifyTags(NLPInputToBeTransformed nlpInputToBeTransformed);

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET,value="/nlpGetMethod",
    NLPResponse identifyTagsTest();


Method identifyTagsTest works and I am able to successfully get the response . This method is a GET method with no input

When I try a POST method , passing a object as parameter , at the end point service implementation , the object attributes are null .

Has anybody faced such issue ? Is there any mistake in my configuration ?


There are 1 answers


The problem was not at the feign client. It was at the service implementation

Spent almost a day on this issue . The RestController also has to specify @RequestBody ( apart from the shared interface )

can @FeignClient extend - and @RestController implement - a common, fully-annotated Interface?