I tried to use the Python client code from Netflix Conductor to crate a task but I get errors no matter how I call it:
from conductor import conductor
import json
server_url = "http://localhost:8080/api"
task_def = '''[{
"name": "verify_if_idents_are_added",
"retryCount": 3,
"retryLogic": "FIXED",
"retryDelaySeconds": 10,
"timeoutSeconds": 300,
"timeoutPolicy": "TIME_OUT_WF",
"responseTimeoutSeconds": 180,
"ownerEmail": "[email protected]"
metadataClient = conductor.MetadataClient(server_url)
ERROR: {"status":400,"message":"Validation failed, check below errors for detail.","retryable":false,"validationErrors":[{"path":"updateTaskDef.arg0.ownerEmail","message":"ownerEmail cannot be empty"}]}
HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://localhost:8080/api/metadata/taskdefs
task_def_json = json.loads(task_def)
ERROR: {"code":"INTERNAL_ERROR","message":"INTERNAL_ERROR - Cannot deserialize instance of `com.netflix.conductor.common.metadata.tasks.TaskDef` out of START_ARRAY token\n at [Source: (org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpInputOverHTTP); line: 1, column: 1]","retryable":false,"instance":"d4f36b3da428"}
HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: http://localhost:8080/api/metadata/taskdefs
How can I create a task with this Python module?
Because it's so simple of a HTTP requests I would recommend using requests to post directly rather than that outdated python client that probably nobody uses. Here's a DIY task definition post:
Now you can skip the extra info below and be done with it, but carry on reading if you are curious.
If you curious what is going on with the conductor package that came with Netflix python client, look at https://github.com/Netflix/conductor/blob/master/client/python/conductor/conductor.py
You'll see that both MetadataClient's registerTaskDef() and updateTaskDef() are actually calling the update or PUT endpoint, not the create (POST endpoint). Assuming you have
already defined on conductor, eg viayou'll find the following code works (notice that the task is not in a List element anymore cause that's what is what expected by the PUT endpoint):
So the registerTaskDef of this client is totally smurfed in my opinion. You can create PR to fix it or just use
to do what you need.