I'm creating a Blazor component to have a NuGet package of the design. So, I can use it in different projects. I have a Razor called TopNavBar that displays the header of the page.
<div class="top-navbar style-1">
<div class="container p-0">
<div class="row align-items-center">
<div class="title">
<div class="col-lg-4">
<DarkLightSwitch />
As you can see, there is another reference to a DarkLightSwitch
razor page in the same Blazor component project. This is a simple switch to select a dark mode for the website. If the user clicks on the dark mode, the component has to call a JavaScript function to change the color for the all website.
@inject IJSRuntime jsRuntime
<div class="darkLight-btn">
<span class="icon @(IsDarkTheme ? "" : "active")"
id="light-icon" @onclick="OnLightClick">
<i class="la la-sun"></i>
<span class="icon @(IsDarkTheme ? "active" : "")"
id="dark-icon" @onclick="OnDarkClick">
<i class="la la-moon"></i>
@code {
/// <summary>
/// Is the dark theme activate?
/// </summary>
[Parameter] public bool IsDarkTheme { get; set; } = false;
protected async Task OnLightClick(MouseEventArgs args)
await jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("switchToLight");
IsDarkTheme = false;
protected async Task OnDarkClick(MouseEventArgs args)
await jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("switchToDark");
IsDarkTheme = true;
When I add the TopNavBar to a MainLayout.razor or any other page, if I click on the DarkLightSwitch nothing is happening because the page is rendered in a static mode.
If in the TopNavBar I call the DarkLightSwitch like this
<DarkLightSwitch @rendermode="RenderMode.InteractiveAuto" />
at run-time the component is not be found.
If I add the @rendermode
to the TopNavBar, the entire Razor page is not found.
Is there a way to fix it?
I'm making some [major] assumptions based on your description:
You have built a Net8 solution using the Blazor Web App template with InteractiveAuto and Per page/component options selected. You have a third Razor Class Library project containing the components you want to put in a Nuget package.
Here's my version of your
. Note mutating parameters within a component is a NONO. I'm assumingIsDarkTheme
is the default starting theme, so I've named it as such and only check it on start up to set the internal field.This library needs to be referenced by both the Server and Client projects.
in the Server project looks like this:There's a temporary Repo here.