Is there a way to achieve this:
when creating a presentation programatically via Applescript?
As an aside the code I have now looks like this:
tell application "Keynote"
set themeprops to {theme:"Gradient", slideSize:{800, 600}}
set s to make new slideshow at end of slideshows with data themeprops
repeat with content in {"a", "b", "c", "d"}
tell s
set titleMaster to item 7 of master slides -- using magic number :(
set newslide to make new slide
tell current slide
set title to content
set master to titleMaster
end tell
end tell
end repeat
end tell
For ideas about workarounds: My app will generate this code from a Markdown document, thus enabling writing your presentation in Markdown. I hoped that different levels of headings could mea different levels of nesting in the final output.