Nested if - JavaScript

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I want the code to read the input value for Bz and give a greeting along with the answer from the equation. This is what I have this far. It's not giving a 'greeting' after the computation. Help?


<form id="function" onsubmit="return false" oninput="o.value = 3.21 + (9.63 * parseInt(Bz.valueAsNumber))">
    3.21+(9.63 *<input name="Bz" type="number" step="any">) =
   <output name="o" for="intial set Bz">0</output>&nbsp;nT


<div id="mys1"></div>

<script language="JavaScript">   
 function myMath() 
    var Bz;
    var greeting; 
         if (Bz>-30)
               greeting = "None"; 
               greeting = "Small ";
               if (Bz> -80) 
                     greeting = "Mild ";
                     greeting = "Large ";
 document.getElementById("mys1").innerHTML= greeting;


There are 2 answers

pablito.aven On BEST ANSWER

I found your problem. Bz value is not being loaded. Seting input name attribute will not store the value into a variable. That attribute is for form submission.

What you should do is:

function myMath() 
    var Bz = $("input[name='Bz']").val();
pablito.aven On

Where are you calling your function myMath() from? I guess it is not being fired.

Also, the way you wrote your ifs statements is pretty ugly. This would be much nicer:

    greeting = "Small";
else if(Bz>-50)
    greeting = "Mid ";
else if(Bz>-80)
    greeting = "Large";
    greeting = "None";

Beware that I wrote this trying to guess what greeting message you actually want. Notice that if the first condition is satisfied, the other conditions will not even be checked at all.