Neo4j - LOAD-CSV not creating all nodes

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I am just getting started on Neo4J, and I am trying to load some data into Neo4j 3.1 using LOAD CSV with the following script:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///Fake59.csv" AS line
MERGE (person:Person {firstName: line.GivenName, middleInitial: line.MiddleInitial, lastName: line.Surname, title: line.Title,
gender: line.Gender, birthday: line.Birthday, bloodType: line.BloodType, weight: line.Pounds, height: line.FeetInches})
MERGE (contact:Contact {phoneNumber: line.TelephoneNumber, email: line.EmailAddress})
MERGE (person)-[:CONTACTED_AT]->(contact)
MERGE (color:Color {name: line.Color})
MERGE (person)-[:FAVORITE_COLOR]->(Color)
MERGE (address:Address {streetAddress: line.StreetAddress, city: line.City, zipCode: line.ZipCode})
MERGE (person)-[:LIVES_AT]->(address)
MERGE (state:State {abbr: line.State, name: line.StateFull})
MERGE (city)-[:STATE_OF]->(stage)
MERGE (country:Country {name: line.CountryFull, abbr: line.Country, code: line.TelephoneCountryCode})
MERGE (state)-[:IN_COUNTRY]->(country)
MERGE (credentials:Credentials {userName: line.Username, password: line.Password, GUID: line.GUID})
MERGE (person)-[:LOGS_in]->(credentials)
MERGE (browser:Browser {agent: line.BrowserUserAgent})
MERGE (person)-[:BROWSES_WITH]->(browser)
MERGE (creditCard:CreditCard {number: line.CCNumber, cvv2: line.CVV2, expireDate: line.CCExpires})
MERGE (person)-[:USES_CC]->(creditCard)
MERGE (creditCompany:CreditCompany {name: line.CCType})
MERGE (creditCard)-[:MANAGED_BY]->(creditCompany)
MERGE (occupation:Occupation {name: line.Occupation})
MERGE (person)-[:WORKS_AS]->(occupation)
MERGE (company:Company {name: line.Company})
MERGE (person)-[:WORKDS_FOR]->(company)
MERGE (company)-[:EMPLOYES]->(occupation)
MERGE (vehicle:Vehicle {name: line.Vehicle})
MERGE (person)-[:DRIVES]->(vehicle)

The input file has about 50k rows. It runs for a few hours the process does not finish, but after that time if I query the database I see that only the node type (Person) got created. If I run a smaller file with 3 entries only all the additional nodes and relationships are created.

I have already changed the amount of memory allocated to Neo4j and to the JVM, and still no success. I understand that MERGE takes longer than CREATE to be executed but I am trying to avoid duplication of nodes with the insert.

Any ideas or suggestions on what I should change or how I can improve this ?

Thank you,



There are 1 answers

Tomaž Bratanič On

Try splitting your query into multiple smaller ones. Works better and is easier to manage. Also when using MERGE you should typically want to do it on a single property like an email for person or something unique and then use ON CREATE SET. Should fasten the query. Looks like this:

MERGE (contact:Contact {email: line.EmailAddress})
ON CREATE SET contact.phoneNumber = line.TelephoneNumber

In your case with the person where there is no single unique property you can use a combination of many, but know that every property you add in the MERGE slows down the query.

MERGE (person:Person {firstName: line.GivenName, middleInitial: line.MiddleInitial, lastName: line.Surname}) 
ON CREATE SET person.title = line.Title, person.gender = line.Gender,
person.birthday = line.Birthday, person.bloodType = line.BloodType, 
person.weight = line.Pounds, person.height = line.FeetInches