Neo4J Client connection error

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I'm new to neo4j and having trouble t connect to the Neo4J server wth .NET.

I have installed both the Neo4j DB (v2.2.2) and neo4jclient (v with Install-Package Neo4jclient in Visual Studio, created an empty project with the below code

GraphClient Client;
Client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data/"));

The Problem is that I get an error saying that I'm missing GraphClient.cs. Is there anything else I need to install or download?



There are 1 answers

Charlotte Skardon On

EDIT: Since this was originally written the client has moved on a bit (any version >, and you can pass in the auth details on construction (which is the preferred way):

var client = new GraphClient(new Uri("URI"), "User", "Pass"));

Because you're on 2.2x of Neo4j, you'll have a user/pass element (unless you've turned it off), so you have 2 options, 1 turn off the authentication, 2 send the authentication through with your calls.

Method 1 - Disable Authentication

Personally - for local dev work I tend to turn it off. To do this, go to the place you installed Neo4j, and go to the conf folder. In there, edit the file. Roughly around line 24 there should be a line reading:

All you need to do is set that to false and you should find your connection will work.

Method 2 - Send Authentication Details

You'd need to do this for a live version (unless you plan to not use auth with your db), you have two options both detailed here: Upgrading your Neo4j to 2.2 and having Auth trouble? The quick way is to pass the auth stuff with the URI, so instead of http://localhost.:7474/db/data you do something like: http://username:password@localhost.:7474/db/data.

The other route involves injecting the Authentication Header into all the requests made - you create a client authentication wrapper:

private class HttpClientAuthWrapper : IHttpClient
    private readonly AuthenticationHeaderValue _authenticationHeader;
    private readonly HttpClient _client;

    public HttpClientAuthWrapper(string username, string password)
        _client = new HttpClient();
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password))

        var encoded = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}:{1}", username, password));
        _authenticationHeader = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(encoded));

    public Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request)
        if(_authenticationHeader != null)
            request.Headers.Authorization = _authenticationHeader;
        return _client.SendAsync(request);

and then inject it into Neo4jClient like so:

var client = new GraphClient(
    new Uri("http://localhost.:7474/db/data"), 
    new HttpClientAuthWrapper("user", "pass#")

the choice, as they say, is yours.