I have a problem with my Negamax algorithm and hope someone could help me.
I'm writing it in Cython
my search method is a following:
cdef _search(self, object game_state, int depth, long alpha, long beta, int max_depth):
if depth == max_depth or game_state.is_terminated:
value = self.evaluator.evaluate(game_state) evaluates based on current player
return value, []
moves = self.prepare_moves(depth, game_state) # getting moves and sorting
max_value = LONG_MIN
for move in moves:
new_board = game_state.make_move(move)
value, pv_moves = self._search(new_board, depth + 1, -beta, -alpha, max_depth, event)
value = -value
if max_value < value:
max_value = value
best_move = move
best_pv_moves = pv_moves
if alpha < max_value:
alpha = max_value
if max_value >= beta:
return LONG_MAX, []
best_pv_moves.insert(0, best_move)
return alpha, best_pv_moves
In many examples you break after a cutoff is detected but when I do this the algorithm don't find the optimal solution. I'm testing against some chess puzzles and I was wondering why this is the case. If I return the maximum number after a cutoff is detected It works fine but I takes a long time (252sec for depth 6)...
Speed: Nodes pre Second : 21550.33203125
Or if you have other improvements let me know (I use transposition table, pvs and killer heuristics)
Turn out I used the c limits
and when you try to invert LONG_MIN, with -LONG_MIN you get LONG_MIN, because of an overflow?