I know this question might have been asked before, but I have not yet found a way to solve my issue.
On this page, if you click on Webster on the left, you can see the part that says <b>test html</b><br />
. I need that to be rendered correctly on the page.
Here is the data that gets saved to the database:
<b>test html</b><br />
And here is how I display it on the page (the problematic area is store_details
html = '<div onclick="showStoreDetails(\'item_store_'+j+'\')" class="custom-location-wrapper"><div class="wk_st_product_gen" id="item_store_'+ j +'" onmouseout="offhighlightMarker('+j+')" onmouseover="highlightMarker('+j+')" onclick="showcontent(\''+store_title+'\',\''+store_address+'\',\''+store_link+'\',\''+j+'\')"><input type="hidden" class="position" id="'+str_dis;
html+= '"><input type="hidden" id="str_lati" value="'+store_latitude;
html+= '"><input type="hidden" id="str_longi" value="'+store_longitude;
html+= '"><div class="store_info"><img alt="store" src="<?php echo HTTP_SERVER;?>image/webkul-store-locater/'+store_image;
html+= '"> <div class="store_address"><div class="store_title">'+store_title;
html+= '</div><div class="store_details"><p class="store_addressline" >'+store_address;
html+= '</p><p class="store_locality">'+store_local;
html+= '</p><p class="store_distance">'+store_distance;
html+= '</p><p>'+store_details;
html+= '</p></div></div></div></div>';
html+= '<style>#alert_red{display:none;}</style>';
You can just use
in PHP to decode you data before retrieving it.us3.php.net/html_entity_decode