I need help with persistent volumes set while setting up ELK stack to monitor my kubernetes cluster.
I tired
helm install elasticsearch elasticsearch
but since i am runnng on prem the persistant voumles are not getting created . How do i specify persistant volumes in the helm install command ?
In glancing through the chart, it looks like it is using Persistent Volume Claim Templates in your Statefulset.
The chart checks if persistence.labels.enabled is True, and if it is it adds your labels, and then it adds your annotations, and then finally it uses your .Values.volumeClaimTemplate. So, in the end if you don't change anything in the values, it looks like it will try to create persistent volumes with these specs using your default provisioner:
So, you should check what your default provisioner is
For example, mine is aws-ebs, and so in my case it would create AWS EBS Volumes. This doc explains how to change your Default storage class if yours isn't set to something you want.
You also should be able to specify the Storage Class you want to use, and then pass in something like this in a separate values file: