Nativecall Segfaults Getting Tuple from Rust

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Per the Rust FFI Omnibus the following should work.

This is a rust cdylib named "foo" made with cargo build...

use std::convert::From;

// Rust FFI Omnibus: Tuples 

// A Rust function that accepts a tuple
fn flip_things_around_rust(tup: (u32, u32)) -> (u32, u32) {
    let (a, b) = tup;
    (b + 1, a - 1)

// A struct that can be passed between C and Rust
pub struct Tuple {
    x: u32,
    y: u32,

// Conversion functions
impl From<(u32, u32)> for Tuple {
    fn from(tup: (u32, u32)) -> Tuple {
        Tuple { x: tup.0, y: tup.1 }

impl From<Tuple> for (u32, u32) {
    fn from(tup: Tuple) -> (u32, u32) {
        (tup.x, tup.y)

// The exported C method - ORIG
//pub extern "C" fn flip_things_around(tup: Tuple) -> Tuple {
//    flip_things_around_rust(tup.into()).into()

// The exported C method - EDIT per Christoph
pub extern "C" fn flip_things_around(tup: Tuple) -> *const Tuple {

And this is the raku script ffi-omnibus.raku that consumes the library via Nativecall

use NativeCall; 
constant $n-path = './ffi-omnibus/target/debug/foo';

## Rust FFI Omnibus: Tuples 

class Tuple is repr('CStruct') {
    has uint32 $.x;
    has uint32 $.y;
sub flip_things_around(Tuple) returns Tuple is native($n-path) { * } 

my \initial = x => 10, y => 20 );
my \result  = flip_things_around(initial);
dd result;
say result.x, result.y;

There are 6 types of examples in the Rust FFI Omnibus and this is the only one that I cannot debug. It kinda works if you remove the returns Tuple and just have a Tuple argument, but no return type.

I have made a DRAFT raku module over here that has simple guidance of how to set this up (Dockerfile, cargo new ...) so you can just git clone and uncomment the failing code in these two files.

Oh, and the error is Segmentation fault (core dumped) (on ubuntu)

Welcome to Rakudo™ v2022.04.
Implementing the Raku® Programming Language v6.d.
Built on MoarVM version 2022.04.

Any help / guidance much appreciated!

EDIT - Thanks to Christoph comment the segfault is now fixed.

BUT - I now have a new issue, the result is jumbled like this: => 4252849424, y => 65535)   #I added a dd

So looks like there is some error still ;-(

As before any help much appreciated!


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