NamedNativeQuery not defined in JPA entitty or one of its super classes

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I'm currently building an application Quarkus and when I try to use the @NativeNamedQuery my application throws an PanacheQueryException saying:

io.quarkus.panache.common.exception.PanacheQueryException: The named query 'ClassName.findUsingNamedNativeQuery' must be defined on your JPA entity or one of its super classes.

This is the code that I have:

public class MyClassRepository implements PanacheRepositoryBase<MyClass, UUID> {

    public Optional<MyClass> findUsingNamedNativeQuery(UUID classId){
        return find("#MyClass.findUsingNamedNativeQuery", Parameters.with("classId",classId)).singleResultOptional();

And this is my @NamedNativeQuery in My Class:

@Table(name = "my_class")
        @NamedNativeQuery(name = "MyClass.findUsingNamedNativeQuery",
        query = """
                    SELECT mc.* FROM my_class mc
                    WHERE = :classId
        resultClass = MyClass.class)
public class MyClass{

This is a very strange error that I've never seen while programing in Spring or JakartaEE. Because it is complaining that the named query is not defined in JPA Entity but it is... I used the same procedures I normally used while working with JakartaEE.

Does anyone know how to use @NamedNativeQuery in Quarkus, if it is really possible?


There are 1 answers


Currently (Oct, 2023) it's not supported. Here is the issue. You can call Hibernate API directly like

final var queryString = """
                            SELECT mc.* FROM my_class mc
                            WHERE = :classId

return Panache.getSession()
    .map(session -> session.createNativeQuery(queryString, MyClass.class))
    .map(query -> query.setParameter("classId", id))
    .map(query -> query.setMaxResults(1))
    .map(query -> query.getResultStream().findFirst());