name attribute overriden when specifying input type="radio" as JSF passthrough element

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When using plain HTML radio buttons bound to a bean using the jsf: attributes added in JSF 2.2, I run into an issue where the generated names of the radio inputs don't match:

     <input type="radio" value="foo" name="a-radio" jsf:id="fooOption" jsf:value="#{fooBean.value} />
     <input type="radio" value="bar" name="a-radio" jsf:id="barOption" jsf:value="#{fooBean.value} />

However, when the page is rendered, the name attributes of the inputs become "[some:jsf:id]:fooOption" and "[some:jsf:id]:barOption", meaning that checking one doesn't uncheck the other! Is this a bug, or does the jsf: attribute namespace not support radio buttons?


There are 2 answers


Specify the name as passthrough attribute instead. It will override the implicit attribute.

<html ... xmlns:a="">

    <input type="radio" value="foo" a:name="a-radio" jsf:id="fooOption" />
    <input type="radio" value="bar" a:name="a-radio" jsf:id="barOption" />

You only need to redeclare it as <f:viewParam name="a-radio" value="#{fooBean.value}">, or to manually grab the submitted value from the request parameter map.

Eelke On

You can better use a h:selectOneRadio component which then contains a series of s:selectItems.

<h:selectOneRadio value="#{fooBean.value}">
    <f:selectItem itemValue="foo" itemLabel="foo" />
    <f:selectItem itemValue="bar" itemLabel="bar" />

For a more complete sample see