I wouldn't want to talk too much, here is my code (I know it is not PDO, but it will once it can work). Almost everything working!!!
Now I am doing the logs and I am stuck! - UPDATE thanks to Michael some of it has fixed!
$statresult=mysql_query($statsql, $actconn) or die(mysql_error());
Optimize function too. This is not working with Multiple DB some reason...
The permission doesn't want to be right I have looked hours and I can't figure it out. A part from that everything works beautifully.
The code reads some rows from the real DB and moves them to the backupDB. But I want a cron job and email alert so I did an easy log (into a table) but it doesn't want to work... I can't even see any error log. Well: PHP Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/sites/stcticketing.org/public_html/back/asu1.php on line 34
// open db
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$actdbuser = 'user1';
$actdbpass = 'pass';
$bckdbuser = 'user2';
$bckdbpass = 'pass';
$actconn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $actdbuser, $actdbpass) or die ('act Error connecting to mysql');
$bckconn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $bckdbuser, $bckdbpass) or die (' back Error connecting to mysql');
$actdbname = '`web151-tevenyal`';
mysql_select_db($actdbname, $actconn);
$bckdbname = '`web151-bckproba`';
mysql_select_db($bckdbname, $bckconn);
//end opendb
function test($sqls, $states){
if ($sqls=1){
else {
$statsql="INSERT INTO `web151-tevenyal`.`tex_bcklog` (`what`,`how`,`when`) VALUES ('$states',$resflag,CURDATE());";
echo "<p>".$sqls."<br/>".$statsql."</p>";
$statresult=mysql_query($statsql, $actconn) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<p>".$states." - ".$resflag."</p>";
function db_rows($db,$ord, $connectdb){
$dbquery="SELECT azon FROM $db ORDER BY azon $ord LIMIT 1";
$dbresult=mysql_query($dbquery, $connectdb);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($dbresult);
$dbrow = $row['azon'];
return $dbrow;
// end of functions
//config information...
$acttable = 'adat';
$today = date("yW_Hi");
$newdb = $bckdbname.".test_".$today;
test($permsql, "grant");
test(1, "backupstart");
//creating log table for backup results
$backtablesql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tex_bcklog` ( `azon` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`what` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `how` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `when` date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`azon`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ;" ;
$firstact= db_rows($actdbname.".".$acttable,"asc", $actconn);
$lastact= db_rows($actdbname.".".$acttable,"desc", $actconn);
if ($lastact-$firstact>50000) {
//create a new table
$permsql="GRANT SELECT ON `$actdbuser`.* TO `$bckdbuser`@'%' ;";
test($permsql, "grant");
$perm = mysql_query($permsql, $bckconn) or die(mysql_error());
$newdbsql="CREATE TABLE $newdb LIKE $actdbname.`$acttable`";
test($newresult, "createdb");
$newresult = mysql_query($newdbsql, $bckconn) or die(mysql_error());
// copy all the data
$query = "INSERT INTO $newdb SELECT * FROM $actdbname.$acttable WHERE $acttable.azon < $upto";
test($query, "copyrows");
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
// so what has happened...
$delquery = "DELETE FROM $actdbname.$acttable WHERE $actdbname.$acttable.azon < $upto";
test($delquery, "deleterows");
$delresult = mysql_query($delquery, $actconn);
// then tidy up everything:)
$res = mysql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Data_free / Data_length > 0.1 AND Data_free > 102400', $actconn);
while($optrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $optrow['Name']);
else {
test(0, "nothing");
// send an email to confirm what's happened - thanks:)
// close db
Please fix it first and then comment any PDO unless the solution itself:) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Inside the function that is failing (it is done correctly in the other function
), your database resource link variables are out of scope. Pass them to the functions as parameters:For example, pass one in as
here:Then call the function with the correct connection as in: