MySQL except clause doesnt work

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Given the customer table and loan table, I wish to find the customers who have not taken a loan. The schema definition is as follows:

mysql> select  * from customer;
| customer_name | customer_street | customer_city |
| Adams         | Spring          | Pittsfield    |
| Brooks        | Senator         | Brooklyn      |
| Curry         | North           | Rye           |
| Glenn         | Sand Hill       | Woodside      |
| Green         | Walnut          | Stamford      |
| Hayes         | Main            | Harrison      |
| Johnson       | Alma            | Palo Alto     |
| Jones         | Main            | Harrison      |
| Lindsay       | Park            | Pittsfield    |
| Smith         | North           | Rye           |
| Turner        | Putnam          | Stamford      |
| Williams      | Nassau          | Princeton     |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select  * from borrower;
| customer_name | loan_id |
| Adams         | L16     |
| Curry         | L93     |
| Hayes         | L15     |
| Jackson       | L14     |
| Jones         | L17     |
| Smith         | L11     |
| Smith         | L23     |
| Williams      | L17     |
| Adams         | L19     |
| Adams         | L15     |
| Jones         | L15     |
| Williams      | L23     |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Now, I tried the query : select customer_name from customer except select customer_name from borrower;

But I get the error:

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'select customer_name from borrower' at line 1

I tried difference also but the same kind of error pops out. But union works well.

mysql> select  customer_name from customer union select customer_name from borrower;
| customer_name |
| Adams         |
| Brooks        |
| Curry         |
| Glenn         |
| Green         |
| Hayes         |
| Johnson       |
| Jones         |
| Lindsay       |
| Smith         |
| Turner        |
| Williams      |
| Jackson       |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Any suggestions where I might be wrong?


There are 2 answers

ZaoTaoBao On

Can you try:

select customer_name from customer where customer_name not in (select customer_name from borrower);

so you select customer_name from customer that haven't take loan.

I haven't check but maybe is easier way.

Zafar Malik On

except and difference keyword does not work in mysql.

Further below query provide you results faster even with bulky tables.

SELECT cust.customer_name 
FROM customer cust 
LEFT JOIN borrower brw ON brw.customer_name=cust.customer_name 
WHERE brw.customer_name IS NULL;

Note: There should be cust_id in both tables to join data instead of customer_name and should be indexed.