MySql crosstab 3 tables, T1=rows, T2=columns, T3=values

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I have a need to display user-levels for all possible users(T1) in all possible Pages(T2) whereby the values are stored in another table (T3) like:

UserID, Page, Level(R,E,W,A,O) (Read,Edit,Write,Assistant,Owner)

But I just can't understand how to dynamically get the columns made and then refer to it as LAST(col1) Any hint in the right direction will be appreciated.

I know how to get it done in a number of foreach loops in php but I believe it should be possible in MySql?..

Tables look like:

Table 1; Users

ID | Name
1  | James
2  | John
3  | Peter

Table 2; Pages

ID | PageName
1  | Home
2  | Members
3  | Courses
4  | Lybrary
5  | StrangePage
6  | Unused Page

Table 3; UserLevels

ID | User       | Page      | Lev
1  | James      | Home      | W
2  | James      | Members   | R
3  | James      | Lybrary   | O
4  | John       | Home      | R
5  | Peter      | Home      | O
6  | Peter      | Courses   | A

Expected out put would contain all users as rows, all pages as columns, all permissions (where available) as results:

User  | Home | Members | Courses | Lybrary | StrangePage | Unused Page
James | W    | R       |         |         |             |
John  | R    |         |         |         |             | 
Peter | O    |         | A       |         |             |

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