My website on Chrome 77 doesn't load any data, but it works fine on Chrome 76

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What's worse, is that my tests pass using Chrome 77 with Chromedriver 77 (the tests pass, the data is loaded in the webpages, etc.). It's only if I manually pull up a Chrome 77 browser and test it that it fails.

Here's basically what my code is doing:

// Get the query parameter "operation" from the URL
let match = new RegExp("[?&]operation=([^&]*)").exec(;
let param = match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));

// Sanitize the URL from XSS Injection
let param = param ? window.DOMPurify.sanitize(param) : param;

if(param === "View") {
    // Load data from the server

The problem is that in Chrome 77 param === "View" is false! But it's not false when using Chrome 77 on it's own.


There are 1 answers

Ryan Shillington On

I figured it out! The problem is the Chrome 77 turns on the TrustedTypes API by default. But it's turned off if Chrome 77 is started through Chromedriver, which is a pretty nasty bug.

The fix to get Chrome 77 / Chromedriver 77 to fail like it does when you manually hit the page is to enable this chrome feature:


You'd put it in the same place you see --no-sandbox or --disable-infobars.

Great! Now your tests fail as they should. Next, to fix the error, change this line:

// Sanitize the URL from XSS Injection
let param = param ? window.DOMPurify.sanitize(param) : param;

To this instead:

// Sanitize the URL from XSS Injection
let param = param ? (window.DOMPurify.sanitize(param) || "").toString() : param;

The toString() is the most important part. A TrustedType object is being returned now, instead of a String.