my site gives me "connection timed out" after some page requests

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I have built a little browser game all in html, js and php where you have your character and the more you win the more you gain points and bla bla bla.... In this game ther's a problem: there are a lot of page redirects and this couse a "connection timed out" after clicking for a while (like 50-100 pages?..). I dont know any method to program my game without redirect.. should i use flash?... never done before... really dont know.

Anyway, could this problem been caused by some ridondance of code ... or whatelse... or it can be a limitation of my (free)domain host? (

i know that probably this is spam but if you want to try yourself type "vangers hostinghood" on google.. a registration is needed.. if you think that is phishing dont do it, but i promise that is secure. I dont want problems.

so.. How can i solve this issue?

(eventually, sorry for my english.)


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