my jar file doesn't load images that i added via scene builder. (JAVAFX)

1.1k views Asked by At

so the problem is as follows:

I created an FXML file and edited it with JAVA SCENE BUILDER.

on the scene builder i added an image view and set the path to the file

scene builder path

the code in the fxml file is:

<ImageView fitHeight="285.0" fitWidth="301.0" layoutX="94.0" layoutY="94.0" opacity="0.26" pickOnBounds="true" preserveRatio="true">
        <Image url="@../../src/view/images/mainpic.png" />

now i have a main class that loads that FXML file. and the image is in the src file.

pic related:

tree of files

when i run the main from eclipse the picture is loaded correctly. but when i create a jar file the image is not loaded.

question is: how do i get the jar file to get the images specified in the fxml file?

also code of main:

    URL url = getClass().getResource("/view/mainMenuView.fxml");
 AnchorPane pane = FXMLLoader.load( url );
 StackPane p = new StackPane();
 Scene scene = new Scene( p);
 // setting the stage
 primaryStage.setScene( scene );;

There are 1 answers

cs-student On

thanks for fabian to answer the question right. realizing the same thing as fabian the answer is that


is the right path to the picture.