I am making this calculator programm in Blitz Basic and everytime I run it, it tells me Expecting EndIf
, even tho my code contains EndIf in the right place I belive. Can someone pease help me?
AppTitle "Taschen Rechner"
Graphics 1280, 720, 32, 2
operator$ = Input$("Enter um vortzufahren")
Print "Blitz Taschenrechner V1.0"
zahl1 = Input("Erste Zahl: ")
rechenart$ = Input$("Operator (+, -, *, /): ")
zahl2 = Input("Zweite Zahl: ")
If rechenart$ = "+"
Then zahl3 = zahl1 + zahl2
ElseIf rechenart$ = "-"
Then zahl3 = zahl1 - zahl2
ElseIf rechenart$ = "*"
Then zahl3 = zahl1 * zahl2
ElseIf rechenart$ = "/"
Then zahl3 = zahl1 / zahl2
Print "Der Operator " + rechenart$ + " wird nicht unterstützt"
Print zahl3
I read through all the code and I dont see a problemm. I also asked ChatGPT and BingAI, but they loop responded the same broken code (To be expected).