MVVM pattern: IDataErrorInfo validation doesn't work if we have wrapped model inside another model

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The problem is that the red rectangle is not shown on the UI.

I use Caliburn.Micro and this is is what I have in my View:

<StackPanel Grid.Row="0">
     <Label>Customer name:</Label>
     <TextBox x:Name="txtName" Text="{Binding Target.Model.Name, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}" Width="136" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>

Here is the ViewModel:

internal class ShellViewModel : Screen
    private EditableCustomer _Target;
    public EditableCustomer Target
        get { return _Target; }
        set { if (_Target != value) { _Target = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(nameof(Target)); } }

This is what I have in the Model:

internal class EditableCustomer : PropertyChangedBase, IDataErrorInfo
    private CustomerInfo _Model;
    public CustomerInfo Model
        get { return _Model; }
        set { if (_Model != value) { _Model = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(nameof(Model)); } } 


And this is another Model:

internal class CustomerInfo : PropertyChangedBase
    private string _Name;
    public string Name
        get { return _Name; }
        set { _Name = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(nameof(Name)); }

I know I can move IDataErrorInfo interface from EditableCustomer to CustomerInfo model and everything will work perfectly if I do so, but the problem is that I'm not allowed to make any change in the CustomerInfo model,

Does anybody have any idea what else I can do?


There are 2 answers


Does anybody have any idea what else I can do?

Since it is the class of the data bound property that should implement the IDataErrorInfo interface you will then need to bind to a property of the EditableCustomer class that wraps the Name property of the CustomerInfo model:

<TextBox x:Name="txtName" Text="{Binding Target.NameWrapper, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}" Width="136" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>

internal class EditableCustomer : PropertyChangedBase, IDataErrorInfo
    private CustomerInfo _Model;
    public CustomerInfo Model
        get { return _Model; }
        set { if (_Model != value) { _Model = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(nameof(Model)); } }

    //bind to this one instead of binding directly to the Name property of the model:
    public string NameWrapper
        get { return _Model.Name; }
        set { _Model.Name = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(nameof(NameWrapper)); }


You will either have to do this or make the CustomerInfo class implement the IDataErrorInfo interface. Pick and choose.

raghava arr On

Use Fluid Validations will be easy in xaml.

public class ModelValidator : AbstractValidator<Customer>
 public ModelValidator(){
   RuleFor(model => model.Name).NotEmpty().WithMessage("Name is Requried");
   RuleFor(model => model.Age).NotEmpty().WithMessage("Age is Required");
   RuleFor(model => model.Designation).NotEmpty().WithMessage("Choose Your Designation");

This will be help for validations in wpf.

Once you refer about fluidValidations.