MVC Partial View with List Model

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I have a news item page and I would like to include a partial view presenting a list of the latest 5 news items. However, I get a

this dictionary requires a model item of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List

error message. I'm assuming the main view is strong typed to present a single item, whereas the partial view is strongly typed with a generic list and the two don't match.


public ActionResult NewsItem(int newsId, string newsTitle)
    var q = _ctx.tblNews.Single(x => x.newsID == newsId);

    return View(q);

public ActionResult NewsLatest()
    var q = _ctx.tblNews.OrderBy(x => x.newsCreateDate)
            .Where(x => x.WebsiteID == 2 && x.newsPublish).Take(5).ToList();
    return View(q);

View (simplified)

@using MyMVC.Models
@model tblNews


Partial View

@using MyMVC.Helpers
@model List<MyMVC.Models.tblNews>

    @foreach (var x in Model)
                @Html.ActionLink(x.newsTitle, "NewsItem", new { newsId = x.newsID, newsTitle = x.newsTitle.ToSeoUrl() })<br />
                <hr />

I tried this in the view:

    Html.RenderPartial("NewsLatest", new List<tblNews> { new tblNews()});

but it looks like the ActionResult doesn't get fired trying i this way.

There are a few questions on SO relating to this. But I just can't get my head around the solutions. The penny isn't dropping!

Do I really have to create a view model that incorporates the news item data and the list of news items?


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