MVC Foolproof Validation not working in Forms application

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I have added a reference to MVC Foolproof Validation to my project. I am using one of the annotations on my model:

    <Required(ErrorMessage:="Start Date is required.")>
    <LessThanOrEqualTo("EndDate", ErrorMessage:="Start Date must not be after End Date.")>
    Public Property StartDate As DateTime
            Return Item.StartDate
        End Get
        Set(value As DateTime)
            Item.StartDate = value
        End Set
    End Property

    <Required(ErrorMessage:="End Date is required.")>
    Public Property EndDate As DateTime
            Return Item.EndDate
        End Get
        Set(value As DateTime)
            Item.EndDate = value
        End Set
    End Property

We have a validation class which validates like so:

    Dim results As New List(Of ValidationResult)()

    Debug.Assert(model IsNot Nothing)
    Dim modelProperties = New List(Of PropertyInfo)
    GetModelPropertiesRecursively(model.GetType(), modelProperties)

    For Each pi As PropertyInfo In modelProperties
        Dim result = Validator.TryValidateProperty(pi.GetValue(model),
                                      New ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationContext(model, Nothing, Nothing) With {.MemberName = pi.Name}, results)
    Dim modelName = model.GetType().Name
    Dim mapped = results.Select(Function(result)
                                    Return New ValidationError(modelName, result.MemberNames.First(), result.ErrorMessage)
                                End Function)

    For Each validationError As ValidationError In mapped

This works for all the regular DataAnnotations, but it's not catching it for the new annotation. I can't debug into Validator.TryValidateProperty, but the result comes back as true for the property, despite being after the EndDate.

Is the Validation logic flawed?


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