mv: cannot stat 'pencil.desktop': No such file or directory

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I have been trying to install the Pencil Project on Ubuntu-18.04 to design user interfaces before implementing it. I have been having the following installation problem and I am not sure why. After downloading it I only

sudo apt install ./pencil_3.1.0.ga_amd64.deb && sudo apt install -f

Below the warning:

emanuele@pc:~/Downloads$ sudo dpkg -i pencil_3.1.0.ga_amd64.deb && sudo apt install -f (Reading database ... 257381 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack pencil_3.1.0.ga_amd64.deb ... Unpacking pencil ( over ( ... rm: cannot remove '/usr/share/applications/pencil.desktop': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove '/usr/share/applications/pencil.png': No such file or directory Setting up pencil ( ... mv: cannot stat 'pencil.desktop': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat 'pencil.png': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access '/usr/share/applications/pencil.*': No such file or directory Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 529 not upgraded.

And I am not sure why is not being installed. I consulted this source and also this and both sources said that there is a missing file in the folder indicated in the warning. There seems to be a missing icon or .png. But I downloaded the .deb from the official documentation. and simply

 sudo apt install ./pencil_3.1.0.ga_amd64.deb && sudo apt install -f

There are 3 answers


This is neat, let me tell you what I think is happening

Unpacking pencil ( over ( 

You installed, and are now reinstalling (it should be fine to reinstall packages)

rm: cannot remove '/usr/share/applications/pencil.desktop': No such file or directory 
rm: cannot remove '/usr/share/applications/pencil.png No such file or directory

It is trying to uninstall it self, from the first install. (The first install did not put these file here, so they can't be found the uninstall)

Setting up pencil (

It is starting the install

mv: cannot stat 'pencil.desktop': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'pencil.png': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access '/usr/share/applications/pencil.*': No such file or directory

These three lines are the root of your issue. I downloaded the package, and the files are all present, but I assume it is a path issue.

So, lets look at the script that is not able to move the files correctly. It is called postinst, and it is a shell script



mkdir -p /opt/$NAME-$VERSION


cd /opt/$NAME-$VERSION
mv $NAME.desktop $APP_PATH/
mv $NAME.png $APP_PATH/
chmod 644 /usr/share/applications/$EXECUTABLE.*

cd /usr/bin

if [ -L $EXECUTABLE ]; then


#cd /opt/$NAME-$VERSION

The two mv (move files) that don't work, and and the chmod (change permissions) are clearly there.

Probably, (and I don't know for sure) but I think the step before this script runs, files get moved to /opt/$NAME-$VERSION/ (opt/pencil/ ), and for reasons I don't understand that is not happening.

The owners of this project know there are some issues with the installer ( , and it might not be the most stable tool to work with, if you are new to programming/linux.

This user has a similar issue

If you are determined to use this software, it looks as if the other users are building from the source files. (this is typically more error prone, but very standard for software developers). Let us know if you have more questions, or if plan to build from source.

wiggin200 On

I have had the same issue with that same version. When I tried to install with:

apt install ./pencil_3.1.0.ga_amd64.deb && sudo apt install -f

It threw me the same error, but then I uninstalled it before with the -f option

apt-get remove -f pencil

And then, again

apt install ./pencil_3.1.0.ga_amd64.deb && sudo apt install -f

That's what I did, and that worked

PD: I would to point out, that, if after install it fails to startup, you can try to search with gnome-system-monitor or htop all pencil processes and kill/terminate. It is also what happened to me.

paintthatagain On

I encountered the same problem with pencil_3.1.0.ga_amd64.deb file. When I run the following two lines as sudo, it was possible for me to install successfully. First line is for removing wrongly installed files in case of corrupted installation(this may fail, try to run the second line anyway), second line is for installation and fixing broken dependencies.

sudo apt-get remove -f pencil
sudo apt install ./pencil_3.1.0.ga_amd64.deb && sudo apt install -f