I'm working with homogeneous coordinates, and like to do some symbolic calculations in muPad. Lets say my transformation matrix T is 4x4, where the upper left is a 3x3 Rotation matrix called R, the upper right is a 3x1 vector called b and the lower right element is 1.
So it would be something like:
T = [R b; 0 0 0 1]
in normal Matlab notation.
Now, i want muPad to work with the symbols R and b, instead of expanding them and working with the elements.
So, if i define a second transformation T2 with
T2 = [R2 b2;0 0 0 1]
the product of T and T2 should be displayed as
[R*R2 R*b2+b; 0 0 0 1]
i'm new here, so please excuse the bad formatting..(is there a way to include latex?)