I'm importing some data into my Rails App via CSV. The import works fine, but when I try and insert contact_name into the accepted attributes, I get an error:
unknown attribute 'contact_name' for Hotel
This field does not belong to the hotel, but if it exists on the spreadsheet I need to create a new Contact and assign it to that hotel, during the import.
def self.import(file)
allowed_attributes = [ "id", "status", "rooms", "country_code", "user_id", "hotel_title","hotel_location", "telephone", "email", "contract_date", "print_date", "created_at","updated_at"]
spreadsheet = open_spreadsheet(file)
header = spreadsheet.row(1)
(2..spreadsheet.last_row).each do |i|
row = Hash[[header, spreadsheet.row(i)].transpose]
hotel = find_by_id(row["id"]) || new
hotel.attributes = row.to_hash.select { |k,v| allowed_attributes.include? k }
hotel_name = row["hotel_title"]
hotel.map = Map.create(:hotel_id => row["id"], :status => 0, :title => "Map Publication for #{hotel_name}")
hotel.app = App.create(:hotel_id => row["id"], :status => 0, :title => "Bespoke App for #{hotel_name}")
My CSV has 4 columns currently, for simplicity. hotel_title, hotel_location, country_code and contact_name.
If the field doesn't exist in the Hotel model, you can't assign it. It will raise an error here
You must remove it from the allowed attributes, and explicitly compose the Contact if the value is present in the row.
The example above assumes you have a
model associated withHotel