I am trying to build a search filter/query to return either one of the two conditions.
(first_score >= 5 AND first_score <= 18) AND (last_score <= 20)
(first_score = 19) AND (last_score = 0)
Sample document:
first_score = 18
last_score = 1
I've tried the following Elasticsearch filter, but I am not getting the correct result. Looks like the "OR" condition isn't working?
bool: {
should: [
bool: {
must: [
range: { first_score: { gte: 5, lte: 18 } },
range: { last_score: { lte: 20 } }
bool: {
must: [
term: { first_score: 19 },
term: { last_score: 0 }