Multiple mirrors in a three.js scene kills performance

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Based on the mirror example in three.js, I have recreated a good old praxinoscope "movie projector", where a column of mirrors reflect a short sequence of images to create the illusion of movement.

In version 84 of three.js, this works quite well.

Example using v84: enter image description here

In version 85 however, there were some changes to Mirror.js, and in later versions all the mirrors (8 mirrors in this case) make the praxinoscope really slow (low FPS).

Example using v87: enter image description here

I suspect the slow performance has to do with a lot of recursive calls and unneeded rendering starting with calls to a onBeforeRender() function from Mirror.js. Stacktrace:

enter image description here

If you look at the code, mirrors are created and added in the addMirrorAndImage() function. Is there a better way to add mirrors, or some other trick that will give the same performance as the older (pre v85) version?


There are 1 answers


Fixed in v88 (Mirror renamed to Reflector):