I want to fetch multiple datasets data in a single React component.
When there is only one dataset, it's simple by using the following RTK query
const {
data: deviceRecord,
} = useDeviceRecordListQuery({ deviceId: ID, ... }, {
selectFromResult: result => ({
data: result.data?.map((res) => ({
x: res.x,
y: res.y,
skip: !chartData
But when there are multiple datasets data, I am not sure how to achieve that with RTK query
as the number of datasets fetched changes dynamically. The dataset fetched is determined by ID
like this and comes as a prop from parent component
const data = [
{ID: 1},
{ID: 2},
I was thinking using the RTK query
call in a loop somehow, but because the rules for hooks, I can't.
It is not important, but the result of my effort should be a single Line chart (ChartJS library) with multiple data lines.
EDIT: Here is the api slice:
import { citywebApi } from "../../openapi/citywebApi"
import { processError } from "../../utils/errors"
export const devicesImportChartsApiSlice = citywebApi.enhanceEndpoints({
addTagTypes: ['devicesImport'],
endpoints: {
deviceRecordList: {
async onQueryStarted(_, { dispatch, queryFulfilled }) {
try {
await queryFulfilled
} catch(error) {
processError(error, dispatch, 'err msg')
providesTags: ['devicesImport']
export const {
} = devicesImportChartsApiSlice
and here is a part of the api auto generated file:
import { emptySplitApi as api } from "./emptyApi";
const injectedRtkApi = api.injectEndpoints({
endpoints: (build) => ({
deviceRecordList: build.query<
query: (queryArg) => ({
url: `/api/device_record/list/device_id/${queryArg.deviceId}`,
overrideExisting: false,
export { injectedRtkApi as citywebApi };
export type DeviceRecord = {
device_id: number;
unit_type: string;
time_utc: string;
value: number;
export type DeviceRecords = DeviceRecord[];
export type DeviceRecordListApiResponse = DeviceRecords;
export type DeviceRecordListApiArg = {
deviceId: number;
the result data should be array (representing chart) containing arrays (representing each dataset/line in the chart) and the objects are Cartesian values for that dataset:
[[{x:1697656739, y:10},{x:1697657739, y:15},...],[{x:1697656739, y:5},{x:1697657739, y:1},...],...]
I would suggest updating the
endpoint to consume an array of device ids and use aqueryFn
function to enqueue multiple backend requests, consolidating the responses into a single array.See Performing Multiple Requests with a Single Query for more details.
An example implementation may look similar to the following:
Update the query call to pass in the array of device ids.