Multiplayer game server: How much is too much communication from the client to the server

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I am making a multiplayer game (server/client) with unity and a Colyseus backend. Currently the backend sends 20 updates per second to each client. I want each client to also send approximately 20 messages to the server each second. Is this too much communication? (the messages are very small, a JSON object with 5 string fields).

I don't want to build the game and find out it is not scalable :(. So Thesis: is Each client sending a small message to the server 20 times a second too much?


There are 2 answers

Slugart On

This depends on many things that you haven't specified, first among those is how many simultaneous and how many server isntances players you expect to have.

I would recommend you quickly benchmark how long the (de)serialisation of your message takes and then multiply it by the actual message volume you expect to see.

You could also create a proof of concept that does nothing except send messages at different messages rates to see yourself how it would scale.

Pavlović Dž Filip On

As mentioned by Slugart, it is best to benchmark and go from there.

That being said, there are a few things you can do if you find the performance to be a bottleneck:

  • Lower the number of messages - generally, 20 messages per second per client might be a bit too much - games usually go with less than half of that (6-12 msg/s).
  • Use binary format instead of json - if the server needs to act as a relay, you could encode your messages using binary protocol. Look into protobuf or messagepack.

There are some other options available, but they are not available for javascript (as far as I know). In case you are expecting a large number of players, and every want to optimize as much as possible, I would suggest switching to a backend that supports multithreading, object pooling (to reduce Garbage Collection time), etc, to gain the most performance.

Disclaimer: I am a co-founder of ServerBytes - we help you make games faster.

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