Multinomial logit with random effects does not converge using mblogit

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I would like to estimate a random effects (RE) multinomial logit model.

I have been applying mblogit from the mclogit package. However, once I introduce RE into my model, it fails to converge. Is there a workaround this?

For instance, I tried to adjust the fitting process of mblogit and increase the maximal number of iterations (maxit), but did not succeed to correctly write the syntax for the control function. Would this be the right approach? And if so, could you advise me how to implement it into my model which so far looks as follows:

meta.mblogit <- mblogit(Migration  ~ ClimateHazard4 , weights = logNsquare,
data = meta.df,   subset= Panel==1,  random = ~1|StudyID,

Here, both variables (Migration and ClimateHazard4) are factor variables.

Or is there an alternative approach you could recommend me for an estimation of RE multinomial logit? Thank you very much!


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