I'm trying to use a multiline UILabel
inside my custom UITableViewCell
. Unfortunately the frame of the label is not correct, so therefore it's only showing one single line.
I've also set the numberOfLines and lineBreakMode properties.
cell.bodyLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
cell.bodyLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByCharWrapping;
I'm also calculating the correct height of the cell, in heightForRowAtIndexPath
Set up in Storyboard and custom class: http://imgur.com/Dt35nIS
Settings of label in Storyboard: http://imgur.com/ZHKv8yt, https://i.stack.imgur.com/8MGVJ.jpg
It turned out that the issue has something to do with Auto Layout, I added some constraints, now most of the cells are fine, but there are still a fews, where some Labels collapses with others. What do I need to check in this cases?