MultiHeadAttention masking with tensorflow

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I have been trying to make a custom mask for targetted combinations of queries and keys for my MultiHeadAttention layer but can not figure out the way to use this layer masking.

Here is an example with a dummy dataset (batch size 1) :

key     = tf.ones([1, 32 , 128])
mask    = tf.concat([
    tf.concat([tf.zeros([16 , 16]) , tf.zeros([16 , 16]) ] , 0) ,
    tf.concat([tf.zeros([16 , 16]) , tf.ones([16 , 16])  ] , 0) ] , 1)
mask    = mask[tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, : , : ]

# key shape  -> ( 1 , 32 , 128 )
# mask shape -> ( 1 , 1,  32 , 32 )

when I print mask[0][0].numpy() I get :


Now using the foolowing layer ( 1 head , self-attention ) :

mha_layer =  tf.keras.layers.MultiHeadAttention( num_heads=1, key_dim=128 )
attention_output, attention_scores = mha_layer(  key , key , attention_mask=mask  ,  return_attention_scores=True)

I get the folowing attention scores (attention_scores[0][0].numpy()) :

attention scores

Here the dark-violet color stands for 0.0 , yellow for 0.06 and green-blue for 0.03

I would expect to have expected the green-blue part to be 0.0s because of the masking.

Am I using the masking wrong ? or it is not possible to mask entire queries/keys ?

I hope my question makes sense and that it is not too obvious. Thank you in advance, if you can help :)


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