Multibinding. How to update correct value to source?

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My issue is as follows.

I have 3 Textboxes bound to 3 fields in a Dataset. TextBox_Rate , TextBox_Hours , TextBox_Salary .

What i needed was for TextBox_Rate + TextBox_Hours to be = TextBox_Salary .

I found out that this can be achieved by use of a Multibinding and a Converter .

The Multibinding looks as follows:

<TextBox FontSize="14.667" HorizontalAlignment="Right" HorizontalContentAlignment="Right" Style="{StaticResource TextBoxStyle}">
        <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource SalaryConverter}" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged" Mode="TwoWay" ValidatesOnExceptions="True" NotifyOnValidationError="True" NotifyOnSourceUpdated="True" StringFormat="C">
            <Binding Path="Rate Per Hour"/>
            <Binding Path="Hours Per Month"/>

And the Converter:

Public Class SalaryConverter
Implements IMultiValueConverter

Dim weeklyHours As Double = 0

Public Function Convert(ByVal values() As Object, ByVal targetType As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object Implements System.Windows.Data.IMultiValueConverter.Convert
    Dim salary As Decimal = 0
    If values(0).Equals(System.Windows.DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) Or values(1).Equals(System.Windows.DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) Then
        Return salary
        salary = (Math.Round(values(0) * (values(1) * 4)))
        weeklyHours = values(1)
        Return salary
    End If
End Function

Public Function ConvertBack(ByVal value As Object, ByVal targetTypes() As System.Type, ByVal parameter As Object, ByVal culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Object() Implements System.Windows.Data.IMultiValueConverter.ConvertBack
    Dim testVal As Decimal = CType((value.ToString.Replace("R ", "").Replace(",", "") / weeklyHours), Decimal) / 4
    Return New Object() {testVal}
End Function

End Class

All this works 100%. I am getting the results which i want. But this is also where the problem comes in...

TextBox_Rate is bound to Dataset field Rate, TextBox_Hours is bound to Dataset field Hours and originally (before the multibinding) TextBox_Salary was bound to Dataset field Salary but is nou bound to TextBox_Rate AND TextBox_Hours. And the value produced from the Multibinding is not updated back to the source field "Salary" since it isnt bound that field.

How do i set the binding to update that field?

Thanks in Advance.


There are 3 answers


My Solution?

I simply discarded the idea of updaitng the correct binding.

Just like in the converter, anywhere where i need the "Salary" i use the combination of the "Rate" and the "Hours".

Seems to be working.

belugabob On

Or, even simpler, define Salary as a read-only, calculated property of the DataSet. Then you can bind your TextBoxSalary text box to this property, dispense with your converter altogether, removing the associated business logic from your view.

Spook On

You can add an additional binding, eg. bind to TextBox_Hours (one way), TextBox_Rate (one way) and the dataset Salary (two way, or one way to source). Then implement the ConvertBack method of converter to provide a value to dataset and Binding.DoNothing to both textboxes.