multi graphs datas in zend framework

344 views Asked by At

I'm trying to place multiple graphs in a page to form a dashboard.

I found the way to do that with placing the graphs source code directly in the controller and then display the graphs in the view, but I know it s not 'Clean' to do that especially with mvc.

Do you have an idea how to place my graph codes separately in a model class (as different functions I guess) and get the graphs data results from that model to the controller and then place the graphs in the view?

This is what I have done for 2 graphs (have many more that why I have to find a way to separate the source codes so wont have to change every parameter to be unique in the code:


  class stjpgController extends Oft_Controller_Action {

  public function init(){
  require_once 'Ofc/ofc_line_base.php';
  require_once 'Ofc/open-flash-chart.php';
  require_once 'Ofc/ofc_line_dot.php';
  require_once 'Ofc/ofc_line_hollow.php';


public function graphAction(){
    $view = $this->view;
    $dateInBetween = array();
    $SmsSum = array();
    $smsSumGraph = array();
    $y_axis_values = array();
    $x_axis_values = array();

    $queryparse = oci_parse($conn, $query);

    while ($row_date = oci_fetch_array($queryparse,
         $y_axis_values[] = intval($row_date['SMSSUM']);
         $x_axis_values[] = $row_date['DATETO'];


    $chart = new open_flash_chart();
    $y_axis = new y_axis();
    $x_axis = new x_axis();

    $default_dot = new line_dot();
    $tooltip = new tooltip();

    $x_labels = new x_axis_labels();
          if ($taille>100) $step=4;
          if ($taille>200) $step=8;
          if ($taille>300) $step=12;
          if ($taille>400) $step=24;
    $x_labels->set_steps( $step );
    $y_axis->set_range( 0, max($y_axis_values)+10, round( max($y_axis_values) / 4 ) );

    $chart->set_x_axis( $x_axis );
    $chart->add_y_axis( $y_axis );

    $line = new line();
    $line->set_values( $y_axis_values );       
    $line->set_halo_size( 0 );
    $line->set_width( 2 );

   $data = $chart->toPrettyString();

   $swfObject  = "swfobject.embedSWF(";
   $swfObject .= "'{$view->baseUrlMedia('ofc/open-flash-chart.swf')}', 'ofcchart',";
   $swfObject .= "'350', '300', '9.0.0', 'expressInstall.swf',";
   $swfObject .= "{'get-data':'get_data_ofc_chart'}, {'wmode': 'transparent'} );";

   $view->jquery()->addOnload("var data = {$data}");

   $view->dataChart = $data;

   //------------------------GRAPH 2----------------------------------- 
   $y_axis_values1 = array();
   $x_axis_values1 = array();
   $y_axis_values2 = array();
   $x_axis_values2 = array();

   $SuccRecMsgParse = oci_parse($conn,  $query1);


   while ($row_date1 = oci_fetch_array($SuccRecMsgParse,
       $y_axis_values1[] = intval($row_date1['SMSSUM']);
       $x_axis_values1[] = $row_date1['DATETO'];

   $MOtotalIncParse = oci_parse($conn, $query2);


   while ($row_date2 = oci_fetch_array($MOtotalIncParse,
       $y_axis_values2[] = intval($row_date2['SMSSUM']);
       $x_axis_values2[] = $row_date2['DATETO'];

   $y_axis1 = new y_axis();
   $x_axis1 = new x_axis();

   $default_dot = new line_dot();
   $tooltip = new tooltip();

   $x_labels1 = new x_axis_labels();
   if ($taille>100) $step=4;
   if ($taille>200) $step=8;
   if ($taille>300) $step=12;
   if ($taille>400) $step=24;
   $x_labels1->set_steps( $step );
   $y_axis1->set_range( 0, max($y_axis_values1)+10, round( max($y_axis_values1) / 4 ) );

   $default_dot = new line_dot();

   $line_dot = new line();
   $line_dot->set_width( 4 );
   $line_dot->set_colour( '#DFC329' );
   $line_dot->set_values( $y_axis_values1 );
   $line_dot->set_key( "SuccRecMsg", 10 );
   $default_hollow_dot = new line_hollow();

   $line_hollow = new line();
   $line_hollow->set_width( 4 );
   $line_hollow->set_colour( '#6363AC' );
   $line_hollow->set_values( $y_axis_values2 );
   $line_hollow->set_key( "MOtotalInc", 10 );

   $chart1 =new open_flash_chart();
   $chart1->set_x_axis( $x_axis1 );
   $chart1->add_y_axis( $y_axis1 );

   $data1 = $chart1->toPrettyString();

   $swfObject1  = "swfobject.embedSWF(";
   $swfObject1 .= "'{$view->baseUrlMedia('ofc/open-flash-chart.swf')}', 'ofcchart1',";
   $swfObject1 .= "'350', '300', '9.0.0', 'expressInstall.swf',";
   $swfObject1 .= "{'get-data':'get_data_ofc_chart1'}, {'wmode': 'transparent'} );";

   $view->jquery()->addOnload("var data1 = {$data1}");

   $view->dataChart1 = $data1;


<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/json/json2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/swfobject.js"></script>

<?= $this->headScript()->captureStart(); ?>
function get_data_ofc_chart(){
    return JSON.stringify(<?php echo $this->dataChart; ?>);


function get_data_ofc_chart1(){
    return JSON.stringify(<?php echo $this->dataChart1; ?>);


function findSWF(movieName) {
   if (navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft')!= -1) {
        //return window['ie_' + movieName];
        return document.getElementById('ie_'+movieName);
   } else {
        //return document[movieName];
        return document.getElementById(movieName);

<?= $this->headScript()->captureEnd(); ?>

<div id="container">
<div id="ofc_chart"></div>
<div id="ofc_chart1"></div>


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