I've upgraded from Mule 3.5.x to 3.6.x and since the old http transport is deprecated in 3.6.x I wanted to migrate to the new HTTP connector.
Here is the original code for calling my webservice:
<http:outbound-endpoint ref="OrderEndpoint" doc:name="GetApprovedOrder">
<cxf:jaxws-client serviceClass="com.acme.orders.IOrderServiceBean"
operation="getApprovedOrderOp" />
The point I have got to with the new connector is as follows:
<cxf:jaxws-client serviceClass="com.acme.orders.v2_0.IOrderServiceBean" port="OrderServiceBean_v2_0Port" operation="getApprovedOrderOp" />
<http:request config-ref="http.request.config" path="acme-services/OrderServiceBean_v2_0" method="POST" />
The issue that I have is that with the old version of the code, after calling the web service, the payload would be the response [java] object. With the new version of the code the payload is a org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.BufferInputStream containing the soap xml.
I could use a combination of xpath and a jaxb-xml-object-transformer to convert the contents of the stream to the response object, this just seems like a backwards step though.
I have looked into using the jaxws-client without the request and also at the ws-consumer, but my following requirements seems to rule these options out (unless I'm just misunderstanding how to use them).
- I need to use the contract first method for calling the web services, see above where I have specified serviceClass rather than wsdl.
- The web services use basic auth, therefore I need to specify a username and password.
- I need to be able to specify the host and port (or at least the address) of the web service.
The solution is: wrap your element into a processor-chain
As follows:
This is because cxf is intercepting, so after the processor chain you would have the same object as you had in your previous solution.