This is my main mule flow
HTTP > Payload > File (Create) > Property (File Name) JMS
And that JMS calls to other flow
that starts with JMS
JMS > JSON TO XML > File (Delete by file name)
Firstly, I create a file with the JSON
And finally, when JSON
message is transformed to XML
, I try to delete the file by name calling a property that tell me the name.
But the files doesn't delete. Its output this action by log:
Writing file to: C:\errors\91fa03a0-dd33-11e5-a0d9-408d5c4c1bf3.dat
How can I do to delete it?
I tried with the option autoDelete in the Connector Configuration
but it doesn't delete.
<file:connector name="File1" outputPattern="#[message.inboundProperties.fileName]" autoDelete="true" streaming="false" validateConnections="true" doc:name="File"/>
You can't use this file outbound endpoint to delete a file.
If you would use something like S3 for example you can, but those connectors are 'operation-based'.
It's meant to write an new file or append data to an existing one.
The autoDelete option is for deleting the file once it has been read by a file inbound endpoint.
More info:
If you want to delete and for your usecase you should use a piece of JAVA code and use methods from the File Class: