MULE 4 : REDUCE method : Is there a limit to elements size in Reduce method if the accumulator is an Object?

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Scenario : Using Reduce method in Mule 4 to reduce a LIST into three parameters :

  1. Students LIST
  2. Teachers List
  3. Number of Students

Using the below Dataweave Code in Transform Message :

%dw 2.0
output application/java
payload reduce((value, acc = { 'totalStudents': 0 as Number,'studentList' : [], 'teachersList' : []}) -> 
        value.age > 18 and value.age < 25
        totalStudents : (acc.totalStudents default 0 as Number) + 1,
        studentList : (acc.studentList default [] ) << {
            'studentName' : value.Name ++ " is a Student"
        teachersList : acc.teachersList default [] << value.Name ++ " is a Teacher"

PROBLEM Statement: The transform message is processed successfully but in the payload I am getting only two values:

  1. payload.totalStudents and
  2. payload.studentList

Can anyone help me to understand why am I not getting payload.teachersList in my result?


There are 4 answers


Finally this should get what you are looking for:

%dw 2.0
output application/java
payload reduce((value, acc = { 'totalStudents': 0 as Number,'studentList' : [], 'teachersList' : []}) -> 
        value.age > 18 and value.age < 25
        totalStudents : (acc.totalStudents default 0 as Number) + 1,
        studentList : (acc.studentList default [] ) << {
            'studentName' : value.Name ++ " is a Student"
        teachersList: acc.teachersList
         totalStudents : acc.totalStudents,
         studentList : acc.studentList,
        teachersList : (acc.teachersList default [] ) <<  {'teacherName': value.Name ++ " is a Teacher"}

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Bibek Kr. Bazaz On
%dw 2.0
output application/java
payload reduce((value, acc = { 'totalStudents': 0 as Number,'studentList' : [], 'teachersList' : []}) -> 
        value.age > 18 and value.age < 25
        totalStudents : (acc.totalStudents default 0 as Number) + 1,
        studentList : (acc.studentList default [] ) << {
            'studentName' : value.Name ++ " is a Student"
        teachersList: acc.teachersList
        totalStudents : acc.totalStudents,
        studentList : acc.studentList,
        teachersList : (acc.teachersList default [] ) <<  {'teacherName': value.Name ++ " is a Teacher"}

Salim Khan On

Hopefully this helps. Since there is an else condition its building the teacher list and is ignoring the student list

enter image description here

Salim Khan On

And this as well.. In the input below , the else condition is met with the second element and thus the final output only contains students that are the last 4 entries in the input.

enter image description here