Like in the title, I got this warning when using MUI X ChartBar in my React app. I followed the same thing as the document shown in the second bar example:
How to solve this?
This is my code
const [MonthlyJoinLibrary, setMonthlyJoinLibrary] = useState([])
width={window.innerWidth - 55}
xAxis={[{ scaleType: 'band', dataKey: 'date', dateFormatter }]}
{ dataKey: 'male_student', label: 'សិស្សប្រុស', color:"blue", valueFormatter},
{ dataKey: 'female_student', label: 'សិស្សស្រី', color:"red", valueFormatter},
{ dataKey: 'male_teacher', label: 'គ្រូប្រុស', color:"aqua", valueFormatter},
{ dataKey: 'female_teacher', label: 'គ្រូស្រី', color:"rgb(255,150,80)", valueFormatter},
I tried searching for a solution but still can't find a way to solve it. I expect there will be no warning output.