mtasc for Lion OSX?

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I'm having a bit of trouble setting up mtasc on my Lion OSX machine. I'm currently trying to run a makefile script that is:

SWFMILL := swfmill MTASC := mtasc

MTASCSTDLIB := /usr/share/mtasc/std

main: $(SWFMILL) simple src/jscam.xml jscam.swf $(MTASC) -v -swf jscam.swf -main -version 8 -cp src -cp $(MTASCSTDLIB)

clean: rm -f jscam.swf

I'm pretty sure SWFMill is set up fine, but upon running this make file, I get:

Mikes-iMac:js $ make swfmill simple src/jscam.xml jscam.swf mtasc -v -swf jscam.swf -main -version 8 -cp src -cp /usr/share/mtasc/std Launch of "mtasc" failed: the PowerPC architecture is no longer supported. make: * [main] Error 2

Perhaps there is a more current version of mtasc that I should be using (that's the assumption I'm getting from the error)? I just can't find anything online that offers much clarification on whether that version exists, or if there is another way to make this work. I saw a fairly recent blog post about mtasc at, which makes me think it should still work on Lion since it did for them.

Thanks in advance!


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