MS Graph create event not work properly with getSchedule

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sorry I'm new to MS Graph. I'm working on a app to extract meeting history data for past hour/day/week/month for my company. I'm working on a tool to create event. I use create event, after I create event, I use getSchedule with schedules as the same meeting room, but nothing found. I can see the meeting in outlook, but does not appear correct. e.g. for the same meeting room, in normal case, it will show the capacity (e.g. 100 people), for the meeting created from API, I cannot find that kind of information. here is code I used in create event:

"location": {
    "displayName": "London-DaVinci"

here is the displayName, I also tested with email address and alias, none of them works. what could be go wrong?

Thanks Wes


There are 1 answers

Dev On

Ok, i tried the following and its working for me:

  1. Create new meeting room
  2. Call events Graph API call and made sure the above meeting room is part of that
  3. The above will create a new event
  4. Now make the getschedule API call for the above timestamp for the meeting room
  5. The graph api call will return the freebusy info

Just like this:

Request: (add the payload to
    get the schedule for the meeting room) 


"value": [ { "scheduleId":
    "[email protected]", "availabilityView":