I'm trying to run the Mrjob example from the book Hadoop with Python on my laptop, in pseudo distributed mode.
(the file salaries.csv can be found here)
So I can start the namenode and the datanode:
Starting namenodes on [localhost]
localhost: starting namenode, logging to /home/me/hadoop-2.7.3/logs/hadoop-me-namenode-me-Notebook-PC.out
localhost: starting datanode, logging to /home/me/hadoop-2.7.3/logs/hadoop-me-datanode-me-Notebook-PC.out
Starting secondary namenodes [] starting secondarynamenode, logging to /home/me/hadoop-2.7.3/logs/hadoop-me-secondarynamenode-me-Notebook-PC.out
I also have no problem creating the input file structure and copying
unto the hdfs:
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/me/
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/me/input/
hdfs dfs -put /home/me/Desktop/work/cv/hadoop/salaries.csv /user/me/input/
hdfs dfs -ls /user/me/input/
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r-- 3 me supergroup 1771685 2016-12-24 15:57 /user/me/input/salaries.csv
I also make top_salaries.py
sudo chmod a+x /home/me/Desktop/work/cv/hadoop/top_salaries.py
lauching top_salaries.py
in local mode also works:
python2 top_salaries.py -r local salaries.csv > answer.csv
No configs found; falling back on auto-configuration
Creating temp directory /tmp/top_salaries.me.20161224.195052.762894
Running step 1 of 1...
Counters: 1
missing gross=3223
Counters: 1
missing gross=3223
Streaming final output from /tmp/top_salaries.me.20161224.195052.762894/output...
Removing temp directory /tmp/top_salaries.me.20161224.195052.762894...
however, running this job on the hadoop (putting things together) python2 top_salaries.py -r hadoop hdfs:///user/me/input/salaries.csv
No configs found; falling back on auto-configuration
Looking for hadoop binary in $PATH...
Found hadoop binary: /home/me/hadoop-2.7.3/bin/hadoop
Using Hadoop version 2.7.3
Looking for Hadoop streaming jar in /home/me/hadoop-2.7.3...
Found Hadoop streaming jar: /home/me/hadoop-2.7.3/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-2.7.3.jar
Creating temp directory /tmp/top_salaries.me.20161224.195201.967990
Copying local files to hdfs:///user/me/tmp/mrjob/top_salaries.me.20161224.195201.967990/files/...
Running step 1 of 1...
session.id is deprecated. Instead, use dfs.metrics.session-id
Initializing JVM Metrics with processName=JobTracker, sessionId=
Cannot initialize JVM Metrics with processName=JobTracker, sessionId= - already initialized
Cleaning up the staging area file:/tmp/hadoop-me/mapred/staging/me553683497/.staging/job_local553683497_0001
Error launching job , bad input path : File does not exist: /tmp/hadoop-me/mapred/staging/me553683497/.staging/job_local553683497_0001/files/mrjob.zip#mrjob.zip
Streaming Command Failed!
Attempting to fetch counters from logs...
Can't fetch history log; missing job ID
No counters found
Scanning logs for probable cause of failure...
Can't fetch history log; missing job ID
Can't fetch task logs; missing application ID
Step 1 of 1 failed: Command '['/home/me/hadoop-2.7.3/bin/hadoop', 'jar', '/home/me/hadoop-2.7.3/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-2.7.3.jar', '-files', 'hdfs:///user/me/tmp/mrjob/top_salaries.me.20161224.195201.967990/files/mrjob.zip#mrjob.zip,hdfs:///user/me/tmp/mrjob/top_salaries.me.20161224.195201.967990/files/setup-wrapper.sh#setup-wrapper.sh,hdfs:///user/me/tmp/mrjob/top_salaries.me.20161224.195201.967990/files/top_salaries.py#top_salaries.py', '-input', 'hdfs:///user/me/input/salaries.csv', '-output', 'hdfs:///user/me/tmp/mrjob/top_salaries.me.20161224.195201.967990/output', '-mapper', 'sh -ex setup-wrapper.sh python top_salaries.py --step-num=0 --mapper', '-combiner', 'sh -ex setup-wrapper.sh python top_salaries.py --step-num=0 --combiner', '-reducer', 'sh -ex setup-wrapper.sh python top_salaries.py --step-num=0 --reducer']' returned non-zero exit status 512
this is my core-site.xml:
and this is my hdfs-site.xml:
(the other xml config files, I have not edited/changed)
here is the python script (same as on the github link above)
from mrjob.job import MRJob
from mrjob.step import MRStep
import csv
cols = 'Name,JobTitle,AgencyID,Agency,HireDate,AnnualSalary,GrossPay'.split(',')
class salarymax(MRJob):
def mapper(self, _, line):
# Convert each line into a dictionary
row = dict(zip(cols, [ a.strip() for a in csv.reader([line]).next()]))
# Yield the salary
yield 'salary', (float(row['AnnualSalary'][1:]), line)
# Yield the gross pay
yield 'gross', (float(row['GrossPay'][1:]), line)
except ValueError:
self.increment_counter('warn', 'missing gross', 1)
def reducer(self, key, values):
topten = []
# For 'salary' and 'gross' compute the top 10
for p in values:
topten = topten[-10:]
for p in topten:
yield key, p
combiner = reducer
if __name__ == '__main__':
Ok. You need to edit the file
:and the file
as:and you need to edit
as:and you need to create a
file with content:and you need to edit
to contain:Then do:
then do:
now doing: