Moving reusable workflow to a different Site Collection

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I have done a resuable workflow in my test environment. I want to move it to every site collection in the farm.

I want do it with powershell, because we have many site collection. I'm using Add-SPUserSolution and Install-SPUserSolution as shown below.

$WebAppsUrlColl =  "http://myspsite"

foreach($WebAppUrl in $WebAppsUrlColl)
    Write-host "Scanning Web Application:"$WebApp.Name

    $WebApp=Get-SPWebApplication $WebAppUrl

    $SitesColl = $WebApp.Sites

    foreach ($Site in $SitesColl)
              Write-host "Scanning Site Collection:"$Site.
              Add-SPUserSolution -LiteralPath $wspPath -Site $Site -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
              Install-SPUserSolution -Identity $wspName -Site $Site -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue  

After I run the code, it works. But feature is not activated:

not activated

When I go to Site Settings > Web Designer Galleries > Solutions, I can see my wsp file.

Also when I go to Site Settings > Site Actions > Manage site features , I can see my WorkFlow Template. But the workflow template is deactivated.

When I run Get-SPFeature -Site http://myspsite I can not WorkFlow Template

How I can activate Workflow Template Feature with powershell?


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