I am trying to have instagrapi automatically upload pictures and videos to instagram and I am having an issue.
I am trying the clip_upload() function and it isn't working. This is the error I get:
exec("from %s import %s" % (name, name))
File "<string>", line 1
from __init__ 2 import __init__ 2
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
The carat points at the 2 after init
import pkgutil
import moviepy.video.fx as fx
__all__ = [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules(fx.__path__) if name != "all"]
for name in __all__:
exec("from %s import %s" % (name, name))
The Exec line is creating the issue when clip_upload() is called:
if media_type == 2 and product_type == 'clips': #Reel
client.clip_upload(uploadPath, caption)