We have a VMS machine which must mount a directory residing on a linux server. I am responsible for the linux side, another guy is reponsible for the VMS side.
So far his attempts to mount the directory failed
insufficient privilege or object protection violation
In order to find out on which side the problem lies, i want to make sure i haven't forgotten anything. This is what i did:
- created a user 'microct'
- created a directory '/raid1/microct' owned by user 'microct'
added the vms machine to /etc/exports
/raid1/microct 130.60.xxx.yyy(rw,async,subtree_check,no_root_squash)
added the VMS machine in /etc/hosts.allow (even though i don't know if all of these are necessary)
lockd: localhost, 130.60.xxx.yyy
rquotad: localhost, 130.60.xxx.yyy
portmap: localhost, 130.60.xxx.yyy
mountd: localhost, 130.60.xxx.yyy
statd: localhost, 130.60.xxx.yyy
restarted NFS
/etc/init.d/nfsd restart
Is there anything i overlooked?
The VMS Guy said he needs UID and GID of the "NFS user", but i have no idea what that might be...
Thank You
After experimenting with mounting the directory from Windows i noticed that mountd wrote a "illegal port" message:
In the man page for export around i found that in /etc/exports i could add an option "insecure" to an export, which allows connections through ports higher than 1024.
Adding this option to the export, i was able to mount the directory from Windows. Surprisingly, this also helped in the case of VMS, even though there was never any "illegal port" message when we tried to mount from the VMS machine...
So - i have no explanation why this works, but i am happy it does work now.