mosquitto_sub and Tuya TS0601 TRV

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Is it possible to send settings to a TS0601 TRV from MQTT?

For example:

# mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t Home/Bed3/Radiator/set/force -m "open" -d
Client mosqpub|19143-mini31 sending CONNECT
Client mosqpub|19143-mini31 received CONNACK (0)
Client mosqpub|19143-mini31 sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'Home/Bed3/Radiator/set/force', ... (4 bytes))
Client mosqpub|19143-mini31 sending DISCONNECT

but nothing happens.

I can see my sent messages appearing in

# mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t Home/Bed3/Radiator/# -v

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