MongoDB - Update value with sub-string in embedded array element

64 views Asked by At

Here is my data schema:

    _id: ...,
    videos: [
        "url" : <some url>,
        "converted" : true,
         "resolutions": [
               "file_url": <some_url>,
               "details": {...}
               "file_url": <some_url>,
               "details": {...}
               "file_url": <some_url>,
               "details": {...}


Each element has an array of videos with a nested array of resolutions. I need to update each resolutions.file_url and replace the old domain with the new one.

So I need "" to be replaced with "".

Here is the query I made to do it:

var oldUrl = "";
var newUrl = "";

        "videos.resolutions.file_url": {$regex: oldUrl},
        "videos.converted": true
        "$set": {
            "videos.$[elem].resolutions.$.file_url": ????
        "arrayFilters": [{"elem.resolutions.file_url": {$regex: oldUrl}}],
        "multi": true

It works fine with some static data, I can update all props with "hello world", but not sure how to make this string replace correct based on the current videos.$[elem].resolutions.$.file_url value.


There are 1 answers


I don't think it can be done in a simple update query especially if you want to replace a substring in the field.

Works with (update) aggregation query, you need to:

  1. $map - Iterate the videos array. Overwrite the matched element for the resolutions array.

  2. $map - Iterate the resolutions array, and update the file_url field of the document by replacing the matched substring ($replaceOne or $replaceAll) if the value fulfills the regex ($regexMatch). Otherwise, remains as the original value.

  "videos.resolutions.file_url": {
    $regex: oldUrl
  "videos.converted": true
    $set: {
      videos: {
        $map: {
          input: "$videos",
          as: "video",
          in: {
            $cond: {
              if: {
                $eq: [
              then: {
                $mergeObjects: [
                    resolutions: {
                      $map: {
                        input: "$$video.resolutions",
                        as: "resolution",
                        in: {
                          $cond: {
                            if: {
                              $regexMatch: {
                                input: "$$resolution.file_url",
                                regex: oldUrl
                            then: {
                              $mergeObjects: [
                                  file_url: {
                                    $replaceAll: {
                                      input: "$$resolution.file_url",
                                      find: oldUrl,
                                      replacement: newUrl
                            else: "$$resolution"
              else: "$$video"

Demo @ Mongo Playground