MongoDB + nodejs : how to query ISODate fields?

83.2k views Asked by At

I am using nodejs with the node-mongodb-native driver (

I have documents with a date property stored as ISODate type.

Through nodejs, I am using this query:

    localHitDate: { 
            '$gte': '2013-12-12T16:00:00.000Z',
            '$lt': '2013-12-12T18:00:00.000Z' 

It returns nothing. To make it work I need to do the following instead:

    localHitDate: {
            '$gte': ISODate('2013-12-12T16:00:00.000Z'),
            '$lt': ISODate('2013-12-12T18:00:00.000Z')

But ISODate is not recognized in my nodejs code.

So how can I make a query against mongo date fields through my nodejs program?

Thank you


There are 4 answers

damphat On BEST ANSWER

You can use new Date('2013-12-12T16:00:00.000Z') in node.js;

new is a must, because Date() is already use to return date string.

ISODate is concepted in mongodb, you can use it in mongodb console, but it can be different for different programming language.

klevin On

You can use this, for me worked perfectly

//lets require/import the mongodb native drivers.
var mongodb = require('mongodb');

//We need to work with "MongoClient" interface in order to connect to a mongodb server.
var MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient;

// Connection URL. This is where your mongodb server is running.
var url = 'mongodb://localhost/klevin';

// Use connect method to connect to the Server
MongoClient.connect(url, function (err, db) {

  if (err) {
    console.log('Unable to connect to the mongoDB server. Error:', err);
  } else {
    //HURRAY!! We are connected. :)
    console.log('Connection established to', url);

    // Get the documents collection
    var collection = db.collection('frames');

    //We have a cursor now with our find criteria
    var cursor = collection.find({
      tv: 'tematv', 
      date_created: {"$gte": new Date("2015-10-01T00:00:00.000Z") , "$lt": new Date("2017-03-13T16:17:36.470Z") }});

    //We need to sort by age descending
    cursor.sort({_id: -1});

    //Limit to max 10 records

    //Skip specified records. 0 for skipping 0 records.

    //Lets iterate on the result
    cursor.each(function (err, doc) {

      if (err) {


      } else {

        console.log('Fetched:', doc);

        if(doc !== null){ 





we need to use new Date() is best option to get the data.

    '$match': {
      $and: [
          status: 'UNASSIGNED'
          plannedDeliveryDate: {
            '$eq': new Date('2017-10-09')
    $lookup: {
      from: "servicelocations",
      localField: "serviceLocationId",
      foreignField: "serviceLocationId",
      as: "locations"
    $unwind: "$locations"
    "$project": {
      "accountId": 1,
      "orderId": 1,
      "serviceLocationId": 1,
      "orderDate": 1,
      "description": 1,
      "serviceType": 1,
      "orderSource": 1,
      "takenBy": 1,
      "plannedDeliveryDate": 1,
      "plannedDeliveryTime": 1,
      "actualDeliveryDate": 1,
      "actualDeliveryTime": 1,
      "deliveredBy": 1,
      "size1": 1,
      "size2": 1,
      "size3": 1,
      "jobPriority": 1,
      "cancelReason": 1,
      "cancelDate": 1,
      "cancelBy": 1,
      "reasonCode": 1,
      "reasonText": 1,
      "status": 1,
      "lineItems": 1,
      "locations": {
        "lng": "$locations.location.lng",
        "lat": "$"
Aman Kumar Gupta On

You can go through my answer, provided in other asked question.

Their instead of $eq use $gte:"yyyy-mm-dd", $lte:"yyyy-mm-dd"

NodeJS MongoDB: Querying ISO Date

Hope this will help you or somebody else!